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              Two Soueraigne Dames, Beauty and honestie, Long mortal foes, accorded are of late: And now the one owels in my Mistresse eye. And in her heart the other keepes her state.

                Where both to shew the vertue of this peace, To gamish her, make ryot of their Grace; In her fayre eye, Dame Beauty doth increase, A thousand Gleames that doe become her face.

                And with her heart thus doth the other deale, She lowly seemes, and mounts through chast disdayne, So that her thrals doo serue with honest zeale, Or fearing blame, doe yeelde unto their paine.

                The heauenely soules envies the earths renowne: Such giftes divine in humaine shape to see, And Iove still moues, a Goddesse her to crowne: Which is decreed, when nature shall agree. Thus happy I (in Fortunes frownes long whirld) A Goddesse serue, and Soueraigne of the world..

        Bargetto Bargetto lighted by a Page, apparelled in his Mistresse colours, Greene, Carnation and White, followed Ismarito, having the mouth of his Maske closed with a small Golden Lock as a witnesse of the true execution of his Mistress commandement: and upon his fitt he carried a Parrate to prattle to his Mistress, upon pausing betwéen every solemne Almaine, and covertly under the Parrates wing was was hidden this passion.

                Hence burning sighes, which sparkle from desire, To pitty melt my Mistresse frozen Hart: Her frozen hart, that Fancy cannot fire, Nor true intent, perswage to run my smart. Haste, haste, I pray, the I eye passage breake, And bleade for him that is forbid to speake.

                What though at first, you faile to calme her rage, Yet as the Sunne from earth doth draw the Raayne, Your vertues so, the stormes of scorne may swage, Of fedde Desire, with showers of disdaine. For even as drinke doth make the Dropsie drie, So colde disdaine compels Desire to frie. 

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