G r a z i a N a p o l i
The performance that is taken in the book of Whetstone is influenced by the English tradition of Morality Plays. In fact, Philoxenus gives an argument to the Comedians to act asking some questions to his guests about moral precepts.
The Comedians improvise using the elements pf the answers. They are considerations of Ignorance, Dissimulation, Constance and similar Moral Problems. So, the Comedians represent on the stage a Morality Play with a great deal of mirth because the actors are characters of the Commedia dell’Arte.
Another element of Italian culture emerges on the seventh day.
It is the first day of the New Year and Philoxenus brings his gifts to his guests.
In the English tradition it is the lower classes bring gifts to superiors; in Italian tradition the opposite happens. Here it is a comparison and a description of the two uses. The author notes that the English tradition is descended from the Roman tradition because among the ancient Romans the inferiors brought their gifts to Augustus the Emperor even if he wasn’t in the Capital.
Whetstone considers superstition these ceremonies but says that Philoxenus takes part in them because he is an intelligent and wise man. In this context what is important is the polemics against Religious ceremonies, the superstition of Catholic Church and the corruption of Catholic Clergy with its opposition among the different orders of monks. Some tales are about the argument (IV day, IV novella).
The Sonnets have their source in Italian verses. The main themes are from Petrarca’s Il Canzoniere, especially the sonnets of the Masque of the second night. Whetstone translates from Petrarca only some lines then he continues with his own creations.
The themes are from court poets.
Important is the use of mythology which means that he knew classical works or ha read translations and quotations in Italian books of Renaissance.
Whetstone knew the history of ancient Rome and quotes many examples in his book. For example: Philoxenus’ discourse on the seventh day. He knew philosophical theories of the Renaissance such as the theory of the three souls and the Microcosm theory (V Day).