G r a z i a N a p o l i
This pittiuos sound of her husband so melted the dying heart of Ophella, that like a candle consumed, that leaveth a little smoke in the wéeke, she lay both spéechelesse, and sencelesse, save that the pangs of death sometimes threw a weak breath out of her mouth: but like unto the wilde fire, that burneth in water, the Corsive, that would have killed the divel, in her case, recovered her to health, which was her husband, out of feare of her life, in despight of the iniurie of time past, fell to kisse and call his Maide, which watched his gasping wife, before hée tooke order with the Clarke, to sight was, perceived, and Furie, which was the last motion, that accompanied her in life, like a whirle wind, that with a sodain violence, draweth things into the ayre, so fired her heart with malice, to sée her husband in this iollitie with her mayd, as madnes gave her the strenght to crie. Ah, Ah, traytor, I am not yet Catar, as shortly after, she perfectly received her health: and so canvassed her husband Borrihauder, as by the motions of sorrow, and payne, hée hung himselfe in a Crabtree.